About Us
Our Story
In 2012, leadership author and social entrepreneur Claudia Chan noticed that the people around her were not engaged in women’s issues, so she launched SHE Summit as a convening platform to activate them as change agents to fuel movements in topics most personal to them. Six years later, citizen engagement is at a historic peak. The pervasive inequality and injustice today in society, business, and industries around the globe have been revealed. From Claudia’s perspective, the world needs an even stronger vehicle to drive change. After working with corporate partners for six years, she starting seeing the impact of what one activated employee could make if inspired to do so because of the resources and reach of their organization. She realized the global private sector is the most powerful force we have to accelerate change because of the enormous amount of people they impact through their employee culture, value chain, industry, product and service quality, advertising and global footprint. To accelerate the equality and empowerment of all humans, Claudia believes the next wave of powerful change agents will rise from inside global workplaces, and launched SHE GLOBL.
For companies that want to unlock the power of a diverse and inclusive workplace, S.H.E. GLOBL equips leaders with culture building tools, relevant content, and experiential conferences that inspire and engage your talent year round. SHE GLOBL offerings transform talent by building on a “change agent” mindset. By rooting goals in a mission beyond personal success, our programs promote connection, break down silos and support sustainable culture change. to equip employees at all levels with the inspiration and tools to do so.
Our Values
- We believe companies are micro-societies that require renovation the same way any culture does
- We believe it is people, not the organization, who drives change
- We believe every organization is vastly different and there is no “1 size that fits all” diversity solution
- We believe in building “me for we,” not “me over we” leadership mindsets
- We believe once you can connect a woman’s personal passion or pain point to a company-wide initiative and build her change agent mindset, there is no stopping her
- We believe there is an untapped power in the ERG and employee insights when permission is given or taken
- We believe you don’t need to be in charge to lead
- We believe workplace change requires a bottom-up approach as much it does a top-down
- We believe the workplace was designed for white men, and now its time for diverse people to re-design it so equality can actually be possible
Our Founder, Claudia Chan

“Steering one of the most influential women’s movements”
“Richard Branson of Women’s Empowerment”
“S.H.E Who Must Be Obeyed”

“Claudia Chan is a Maker”
“Integrating Men into the Women’s Movement”
“One of the 20 most influential moms of 2017”